Printing a section in good quality.
For exemple, i will be use model of Lamborghini Gallardo.
First, i create a box, and into a box will be model. Size of a box i did 450x120x100 cm.
For create a box, need use a "Box tools".
Now i delete a front and back sides.
Now i have something like that.
Now, i will create a section and will did a shape from section.
Now i have a shape.
Now i convert a shape to "Editable Spline"
In "Modify", choose a "Editable Spline".
In Rendering i exposed parameters:
"Enabe in Renderer"
"Enable in Viewport"
And "Thickness" in put 0,3 cm
Now i press to "F10" and opened a "Render Setup"window.
I exposed the resolution to 1500x1500. For good quality, but you can expose more.
Now i open a "Rendered Frame Window..."
I expose "Image Precision" to "High"
I render a "Front Viewport"
And Save a Image.
This is all, Shape is ready to print :)
Tutorial By